Minister’s letter- September 2024
Dear Friends,
How was your Summer? I hope you got some time to rest and relax and enjoy some sunshine…
As we start a new month of September, children begin new schools and classes, and parents and grandparents return to the routine of work or grandparent duty! September also sees the start of the ‘Season of Creation’ and this year the theme is the first-fruits of hope. Paul in his letter to the Roman church talks about the earth being like a mother, groaning in childbirth and St Francis of Assisi talks about the earth as our mother and our sister, but sadly much of humankind sees earth simply as a resource to be used.
Reading this year’s season of creation material I read- “Only when we work together, and with Creation can the firstfruits of hope be born”
It continues–
“There’s a phrase commonly attributed to Saint Augustine that says: “Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are.” As we witness the cries and sufferings of Earth and all creatures, let holy anger move us toward the courage to be hopeful and active for justice. We believe that the incarnation of God’s Son offers guidance enabling us to face the troubling world. God is with us in efforts to respond to the challenges of the world we are living in (cf. Rom 8:23).
There are different forms of hope. However, hope is not merely optimism… Hope is trust that our action makes sense, even if the results of this action are not immediately seen (cf. Rom 8:24). Hope doesn’t act alone. Earlier in his letter to the Romans, Paul the apostle explains the close relationship of hope as a growth process: ‘endurance produces character, and character produces hope’ (Rom 5:4). Patience and endurance are close associates of hope. These are qualities that lead to hope”.
So perhaps we can think of ways we can work together to help our corner of creation, and the wider earth – not sitting back and thinking about it but taking the actions we can to support God’s amazing gift to us.
Your friend and minister,
Words in italics from Season of Creation website
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