Mission Statement

We are here to worship God, to serve the community and to
bring others into a relationship with
Jesus Christ, with the help of the Holy Spirit
We will achieve this by:

  1. Weekly Sunday services of worship and reflection;
  2. Organising other services during the week;
  3. Following the guidance of the URC, performing marriages, baptisms and funerals, as requested;
  4. Having the sanctuary open when the building is open to enable people to sit, pray and reflect in it if they so wish
  5. Our own behaviour, following the teaching of Christ as best we can, being aware that, as human beings, we are all fallible and should not judge others
  6. Making others in the area aware of the church’s existence and activities, and encouraging a dialogue with them, telling them of the love of Christ and power of God.
  7. Allowing the use of the building by groups that have a social, educational or caring brief, and encouraging them to know that they are a part of our church community,
  8. Welcoming and encouraging those who do not believe or who have doubts to attend our worship.
  9. Being open to different forms of worship and understanding that ‘one size fits all worship’ may not suite everyone.
  10. Having the building open to visitors who may want to know more about our church and church life
  11. Strengthening the links not only with our own school, but also other educational establishments in the area, thus helping young people to learn more about the Christian faith.
  12. Being open to the needs of the community, and, where we are able, to provide or support organisations to help those in need.